Artsmark Offer


Artsmark is the creative quality standard for schools and education settings, awarded by Arts Council England, recognising their commitment to high quality arts and cultural education.

Tell Tale Hearts is proud to be supporting schools and education settings on their Artsmark journey, inspiring children and young people to create, experience, and participate in great arts and culture.

We offer education settings who are working towards, or currently hold an Artsmark Award, with the following opportunities:

Suitcase Stories

A Lady, A Suitcase, A Lifetime of Stories from Around the Globe

A highly interactive storytelling performance to support young children’s personal, social and emotional learning; communication and language, and their understanding of the world. The interaction is carefully facilitated to ensure children are encouraged to manage their behaviour and feelings within a group, develop positive relationships and empathy through imagination and playful activities.

Trunk Tales

A Trunk is a box for belongings. Belongings and tales gathered from far and wide…

A participatory performance to support children’s spiritual, moral,cultural and mental development at their school. The interaction is carefully facilitated to ensure children actively engage with moral decisions at the heart of each story and to develop positive relationships and empathy through imagination and role-play activities.

Find out more about Artsmark at
To find out how Tell Tale Hearts can support your Artsmark journey, contact Natasha Holmes by email: or ring: 07803 724529.